A Road Trip Around Iceland’s Ring Road


With the passage of time, small details leave me. Entire swaths of experiential minutia evaporate without me even noticing. I’m often left with the feeling of something having happened and having never happened. I don’t know if my mind has always been this way, or if my ability to metabolize experiences has changed over time.

In an effort to stave off the little bits of memory fluttering away, I try my best to jot down initial reactions and couple it with images that catch my eye. It takes me a while to properly process a journey, but I know I can’t wait forever to eke out a few mutterings. This is my version of a scratch in the tree bark to denote a time and place.

Iceland was such an immense experience. Lonely, powerful, bleak. There is a depth there that I haven’t felt elsewhere. The word is misused often, but Iceland is truly awesome. I’m thankful for the time I was able to spend there. The freedom to putter around and explore at my leisure was very much a gift.

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